安装Windows Vista系统的最低硬件配置_操作系统
随着微软每月一个CTP版本的正式发布,Windows Vista距离用户的日子也越来越近,据最新的消息披露说,这个下一代的操作系统将在今年的11月份正式发布,最迟不超过圣诞节。在欢欣鼓舞的同时,也许有一个重大的问题需要你作出决定,自己的机子是否能够将Windows Vista请回家呢?
前不久,微软联合英特尔、AMD、ATi、nVIDIA首次公布了Windows Vista对计算机硬件的最低配置要求,我们不妨来了解一下,看看自己的爱机是否能够满足下一代操作系统的要求:
图形显示卡:必须支持WDDM(Windows Display Driver Moder)驱动程序,支持DirectX 9、最小64MB显存,推荐128MB显存,而且要求使用独立显卡,毕竟Vista Aero的图形界面对显卡的要求是相当的高。
从这份仅仅是最低配置的清单来看,Windows Vista对硬件的要求将十分苛刻,即使是Pentium 4、Celeron D这样的处理器,也只能沦落为入门级的处理器行列。当然,即使用户的机子配置低于这一要求,也并不意味着无法安装和运行Windows Vista,只不过是某些主题和效果无法显示出来而已,因此大多数用户也无需过度担心,更详细的配置要求可以访问其官方网站进行查看。
What is a Windows Vista Capable PC?
A new PC that carries the Windows Vista Capable PC logo can run Windows Vista. All editions of Windows Vista will deliver core experiences such as innovations in organizing and finding information, security, and reliability. All Windows Vista Capable PCs will run these core experiences at a minimum. Some features available in the premium editions of Windows Vista—like the new Windows Aero user experience—may require advanced or additional hardware.
A Windows Vista Capable PC includes at least:
* A modern processor (at least 800MHz).
* 512 MB of system memory.
* A graphics processor that is DirectX 9 capable.
Windows Vista Premium Ready PCs
To get an even better Windows Vista experience, including the Windows Aero user experience, ask for a Windows Vista Capable PC that is designated Premium Ready, or choose a PC that meets or exceeds the Premium Ready requirements described below. Features available in specific premium editions of Windows Vista, such as the ability to watch and record live TV, may require additional hardware.
A Windows Vista Premium Ready PC includes at least:
* 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor.
* 1 GB of system memory.
* A graphics processor that runs Windows Aero.
* 128 MB of graphics memory.
* 40 GB of hard drive capacity with 15 GB free space.
* DVD-ROM Drive.
* Audio output capability.
* Internet access capability.