

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CW
 public partial class AsyncDemo : Form
  public AsyncDemo()
  private void Delgate_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  /// <summary>
  /// 实现委托的方法
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="iCallTime"></param>
  /// <param name="iExecThread"></param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  string LongRunningMethod(int iCallTime, out int iExecThread)
   iExecThread = AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId();
   return "MyCallTime was " + iCallTime.ToString();
  delegate string MethodDelegate(int iCallTime, out int iExecThread);
  #region 示例 1: 同步调用方法#region 示例 1: 同步调用方法
  /// <summary>
  /// 示例 1: 同步调用方法
  /// </summary>
  public void DemoSyncCall()
   string s;
   int iExecThread;
   // Create an instance of a delegate that wraps LongRunningMethod.
   MethodDelegate dlgt = new MethodDelegate(this.LongRunningMethod);
   // Call LongRunningMethod using the delegate.
   s = dlgt(3000, out iExecThread);
   MessageBox.Show(string.Format ("The delegate call returned the string: {0}, and the thread ID {1}", s, iExecThread.ToString() ) );
  #region 示例 2: 通过 EndInvoke() 调用模式异步调用方法
  /// <summary>
  /// 示例 2: 通过 EndInvoke() 调用模式异步调用方法  
  /// </summary>
  public void DemoEndInvoke()
   MethodDelegate dlgt = new MethodDelegate(this.LongRunningMethod);
   string s;
   int iExecThread;
   // Initiate the asynchronous call.
   IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(5000, out iExecThread, null, null);
   // Do some useful work here. This would be work you want to have
   // run at the same time as the asynchronous call.
   // Retrieve the results of the asynchronous call.
   s = dlgt.EndInvoke(out iExecThread, ar);
   MessageBox.Show(string.Format ("The delegate call returned the string: {0}, and the number {1}", s, iExecThread.ToString() ) );
  #region 示例 3: 异步调用方法并使用 A WaitHandle 来等待调用完成
  /// <summary>
  /// 示例 3: 异步调用方法并使用 A WaitHandle 来等待调用完成
  /// </summary>
  public void DemoWaitHandle()
   string s;
   int iExecThread;
   MethodDelegate dlgt = new MethodDelegate(this.LongRunningMethod);
   // Initiate the asynchronous call.
   IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(3000, out iExecThread, null, null);
   // Do some useful work here. This would be work you want to have
   // run at the same time as the asynchronous call.
   // Wait for the WaitHandle to become signaled.
   // Get the results of the asynchronous call.
   s = dlgt.EndInvoke(out iExecThread, ar);
   MessageBox.Show(string.Format ("The delegate call returned the string: {0}, and the number {1}", s, iExecThread.ToString() ) );
  #region 示例 4: 异步调用方法通过轮询调用模式
  /// <summary>
  /// 示例 4: 异步调用方法通过轮询调用模式
  /// </summary>
  public void DemoPolling()
   MethodDelegate dlgt = new MethodDelegate(this.LongRunningMethod);
   string s;
   int iExecThread;
   // Initiate the asynchronous call.
   IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(3000, out iExecThread, null, null);
   // Poll IAsyncResult.IsCompleted
   while (ar.IsCompleted == false)
    Thread.Sleep(10); // pretend to so some useful work
   s = dlgt.EndInvoke(out iExecThread, ar);
   MessageBox.Show(string.Format ("The delegate call returned the string: {0}, and the number {1}", s, iExecThread.ToString() ) );
  #region 示例 5: 异步方法完成后执行回调
  /// <summary>
  /// 示例 5: 异步方法完成后执行回调
  /// </summary>
  public void DemoCallback()
   MethodDelegate dlgt = new MethodDelegate(this.LongRunningMethod);
   int iExecThread;
   // Create the callback delegate.
   AsyncCallback cb = new AsyncCallback(MyAsyncCallback);
   // Initiate the Asynchronous call passing in the callback delegate
   // and the delegate object used to initiate the call.
   IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(5000, out iExecThread, cb, dlgt);
  public void MyAsyncCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
   string s;
   int iExecThread;
   // Because you passed your original delegate in the asyncState parameter
   // of the Begin call, you can get it back here to complete the call.
   MethodDelegate dlgt = (MethodDelegate)ar.AsyncState;
   // Complete the call.
   s = dlgt.EndInvoke(out iExecThread, ar);
   MessageBox.Show(String.Format("The delegate call returned the string: {0}, and the number {1}", s, iExecThread.ToString()));
   //Console.WriteLine(string.Format ("The delegate call returned the string: "{0}", and the number {1}", s, iExecThread.ToString() ) );
  private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   //DemoSyncCall() ;




