1. 头文件
// juzhen 2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdaf
1. 头文件
// juzhen 2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdaf
1. 头文件
// juzhen 2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "windows.h" #define OK 0 #define NG -1 typedef struct mat { int nRow; /* 行数 */ int nCol; /* 列数 */ int* pData; /* 指向矩??体的指? */ }MAT;
2. 程序代码
#include "stdafx.h" #include "Matrix_cal.h" /* Entity and initial matrix of the application matrix function */ int MATAlloc(MAT *pMat, int nRow, int nCol) { pMat->pData = (int *) malloc (nRow * nCol * sizeof(int) ); if(NULL == pMat->pData) { printf("Memary is error!\n"); return NG; } for(int i=0; i<nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<nCol; ++j) { *(pMat->pData + i*nCol + j)=0; } } pMat->nRow = nRow; pMat->nCol = nCol; return OK; } /* Release the memory space and reset the matrix data function */ void MATFree(MAT* pMat) { free(pMat->pData); pMat->pData = NULL; pMat->nRow = 0; pMat->nCol = 0; } /* Import of matrix function */ int MATAssign (MAT* pMat1, const MAT* pMat2) { MATAlloc(pMat1, pMat2->nRow, pMat2->nCol); for(int i=0; i < pMat1->nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j < pMat1->nCol; ++j) { *(pMat1->pData + i * pMat1->nCol + j) = *(pMat2->pData + i * pMat1->nCol + j); } } return OK; } /* Matrix sum function */ int MATAdd(const MAT* pMat1, const MAT* pMat2, MAT* pMat3) { MATAlloc(pMat3, pMat1->nRow, pMat1->nCol); if((pMat1->nRow == pMat2->nRow) && (pMat1->nCol == pMat2->nCol)) { for(int i=0; i<pMat1->nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<pMat1->nCol; ++j) { *(pMat3->pData + i * pMat3->nCol + j) = *(pMat1->pData + i * pMat1->nCol + j) + *(pMat2->pData + i * pMat1->nCol + j); } } return OK; } else { printf("Not add!\n"); return NG; } } /* Matrix subtraction function */ int MATSub(const MAT* pMat1, const MAT* pMat2, MAT* pMat3) { MATAlloc(pMat3, pMat1->nRow, pMat1->nCol); if((pMat1->nRow == pMat2->nRow) && (pMat1->nCol == pMat2->nCol)) { for(int i=0; i<pMat1->nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<pMat1->nCol; ++j) { *(pMat3->pData + i * pMat3->nCol + j) = *(pMat1->pData + i * pMat1->nCol + j) - *(pMat2->pData + i * pMat1->nCol + j); } } return OK; } else { printf("Not Sub!\n"); return NG; } } /* Matrix clear */ void MATClear(MAT* pMat) { for(int i=0; i<pMat->nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<pMat->nCol; ++j) { *(pMat->pData + i * pMat->nCol + j)=0; } } } /* Matrix multiplication C function */ void MATMulC (MAT* pMat, int C) { for(int i=0; i<pMat->nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<pMat->nCol; ++j) { *(pMat->pData + i * pMat->nCol + j) = C * (*(pMat->pData + i * pMat->nCol + j) ); } } } /* Matrix multiplication function */ int MATMul (const MAT* pMat1, const MAT* pMat2, MAT* pMat3) { MATAlloc(pMat3, pMat1->nRow, pMat2->nCol); if(pMat1->nCol == pMat2->nRow) { for(int i=0; i<pMat1->nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<pMat2->nCol; ++j) { for(int k=0; k<pMat1->nCol; ++k) { *(pMat3->pData + i * pMat2->nCol+j) += *(pMat1->pData + i * pMat2->nRow + k) * (*(pMat2->pData + k * pMat2->nCol + j) ); } } } return OK; } else { printf("not Mul\n"); return NG; } } /* Matrix transpose function */ int MATTransport(const MAT* pMat1, MAT* pMat2) { MATAlloc(pMat2, pMat1->nCol, pMat1->nRow); for(int i=0; i<pMat1->nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<pMat1->nCol; ++j) { *(pMat2->pData + j * pMat1->nRow + i) = *(pMat1->pData + i * pMat1->nCol + j); } } return OK; } /* bool Check_digit(char *kk) { int a = strlen(kk); for(int i = 0; i<a; ++i) { if( ( (int) (*(kk + i) ) > 48) && ( (int) (*(kk + i) ) < 57 || (int) (*(kk + i) ) == 32) ) { return 1; } } return 0; } */ /* Matrix initialization */ void MATinit(MAT *pMat) { bool kos=1; int nRow = 0, nCol = 0; printf("Please input the number of rows: "); scanf_s("%d",&nRow); putchar('\n'); printf("Please input the number of columns: "); scanf_s("%d",&nCol); putchar('\n'); printf("Please input %dX%d Matrix:\n",nRow,nCol); kos=MATAlloc(pMat,nRow,nCol); for(int i=0; i<nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<nCol; ++j) { scanf("%d", pMat->pData + i*nCol + j); } } } /*char arr[100][100]={0}; for(int i=0; i<nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<nCol; ++j) { scanf("%c", &arr[i][j]); kos = Check_digit(&arr[i][j]); } } //ks= atoi(arr[0]); while(kos) { printf(" input is error,Please input again!"); for(int i=0; i<nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<nCol; ++j) { scanf("%c", arr[i]); } } kos = Check_digit(arr[0]); //ks= atoi(arr[0]); } for(int i=0; i<nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<nCol; ++j) { *(pMat->pData + i*nCol + j) = atoi(&arr[i][j]); } } } */ /* Output matrix */ void Print(MAT *pMat) { printf("The result is:\n"); for(int i = 0; i < pMat->nRow; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<pMat->nCol; ++j) { printf("%d ",*( pMat->pData + i * pMat->nCol + j) ); } putchar('\n'); } } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int nRow = 1,nCol = 1,sign = 1,C = 1,work = 1,sigal=0; MAT Mat, Mat1, Mat2; MAT *pMat = &Mat; MAT *pMat1 = &Mat1; MAT *pMat2 = &Mat2; while(work) { system("cls"); printf(" Welcome To The Matrix Operation system! \n"); printf("------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("1: Open The Generating matrix function!\n"); printf("2: Open The Release matrix function!\n"); printf("3: Open The Import matrix function!\n"); printf("4: Open The Add matrix function!\n"); printf("5: Open The Matrix subtraction function!\n"); printf("6: Open The Clear matrix function!\n"); printf("7: Open The Matrix multiplication C function!\n"); printf("8: Open The Matrix multiplication function!\n"); printf("9: Open The Matrix transpose function!\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Please Select operation type:"); scanf("%d",&sign); switch(sign) { case 1: { MATinit(pMat); Print(pMat); } break; case 2: { MATinit(pMat); Print(pMat); MATFree(pMat); } break; case 3: { MATinit(pMat2); MATAssign (pMat1, pMat2); Print(pMat1); } break; case 4: { MATinit(pMat1); MATinit(pMat2); sigal = MATAdd(pMat1, pMat2,pMat); if(0 == sigal) { Print(pMat); } } break; case 5: { MATinit(pMat1); MATinit(pMat2); sigal = MATSub(pMat1, pMat2,pMat); if(0 == sigal) { Print(pMat); } } break; case 6: { MATinit(pMat); Print(pMat); MATClear(pMat); Print(pMat); } break; case 7: { printf("Please input the number of C: "); scanf("%d",&C); putchar('\n'); MATinit(pMat); MATMulC (pMat, C); Print(pMat); } break; case 8: { MATinit(pMat1); MATinit(pMat2); sigal = MATMul (pMat1, pMat2, pMat); if(0 == sigal) { Print(pMat); } } break; case 9: { MATinit(pMat1); MATTransport(pMat1, pMat2); Print(pMat2); } break; default: printf("input is error!"); } printf("Whether exit the Matrix calculation system?(1 is not exit,0 is exit)\n"); //whether exit the system. scanf("%d", &work); fflush(stdin); while (work != 0 && work != 1) //work must is 1 or 0. { printf(" Input is error,Please input again!\n"); scanf("%d", &work); fflush(stdin); } } printf("\n-------------Thanks For You Using The Matrix Calculation System !--------------\n"); Sleep(2000); //deley some times. return 0; }