PHP 利用日期函数格式化一个UNIX时间为文本
这篇文章主要为大家详细介绍了PHP 利用日期函数格式化一个UNIX时间为文本,具有一定的参考价值,可以用来参考一下。
对PHP日期函数 - 格式化一个UNIX时间为文本对此感兴趣的朋
对PHP日期函数 - 格式化一个UNIX时间为文本对此感兴趣的朋
这篇文章主要为大家详细介绍了PHP 利用日期函数格式化一个UNIX时间为文本,具有一定的参考价值,可以用来参考一下。
对PHP日期函数 - 格式化一个UNIX时间为文本对此感兴趣的朋友,看看idc笔记做的技术笔记!PHP日期函数 - 格式化一个UNIX时间为文本日期函数可以根据指定的格式将一个unix时间格式化成想要的文本输出使用到函数语法如下
* PHP日期函数 - 格式化一个UNIX时间为文本
* @param
* @arrange 512-笔记网:
string date (string $Format);
string date (string $Format, int $Time);
/*** 来自php教程( ***/
* PHP日期函数 - 格式化一个UNIX时间为文本
* @param
* @arrange 512-笔记网:
echo "When this page was loaded,\n";
echo 'It was then ', date ('r'), "\n";
echo 'The currend date was ', date ('F j, Y'), "\n";
echo 'The currend date was ', date ('M j, Y'), "\n";
echo 'The currend date was ', date ('m/d/y'), "\n";
echo 'The currend date was the ', date ('jS \o\f M, Y'), "\n";
echo 'The currend time was ', date ('g:i:s A T'), "\n";
echo 'The currend time was ', date ('H:i:s O'), "\n";
echo date ('Y');
date ('L')?(print ' is'):(print ' is not');
echo " a leap year\n";
echo time ('U'), " seconds had elapsed since January 1, 1970.\n";
/*** 来自php教程( ***/
* PHP日期函数 - 格式化一个UNIX时间为文本
* @param
* @arrange 512-笔记网:
It was then Sat, 26 Dec 2009 07:09:51 +0000
The currend date was December 26, 2009
The currend date was Dec 26, 2009
The currend date was 12/26/09
The currend date was the 26th of Dec, 2009
The currend time was 7:09:51 AM GMT
The currend time was 07:09:51 +0000
2009 is not a leap year
1261811391 seconds had elapsed since January 1, 1970.
/*** 来自php教程( ***/
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