SQL Server 使用ADSI执行分布式查询ActiveDorectory对象
这篇文章主要为大家详细介绍了SQL Server 使用ADSI执行分布式查询ActiveDorectory对象,具有一定的参考价值,可以用来参考一下。
Step 1:Creating a Linked Server.EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'ADSI', 'Active Directory Services 2.5', 'ADSDSOObject', 'adsdatasource'Step 2:Creating a SQL Server Authenticated LoginEXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = N'ADSI', @locallogin = NULL , @useself = N'False', @rmtuser = N'domain\Account', @rmtpassword = N'Password'对于 SQL Server 授权登录,可以使用sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 系统存储过程配置用于连接到目录服务的适当的登录/密码.参考这里: http://blogs.msdn.com/euanga/archive/2007/03/22/faq-how-do-i-query-active-directory-from-sql-server.aspx如果SQLServer使用Windows 授权登录,只需自映射就足以通过使用 SQL Server 安全委托来访问AD。简单点说就是直接运行第三步语句即可.Step 3:Querying the Directory Service.代码如下:
-- Query for a list of User entries in an OU using the SQL query dialect
select convert(varchar(50), [Name]) as FullName,
convert(varchar(50), Title) as Title,
convert(varchar(50), TelephoneNumber) as PhoneNumber
from openquery(ADSI,
'select Name, Title, TelephoneNumber
from ''LDAP://OU=Directors,OU=Atlanta,OU=Intellinet,DC=vizability,DC=intellinet,DC=com''
where objectClass = ''User''')
-- Query for a list of Group entries in an OU using the SQL query dialect
select convert(varchar(50), [Name]) as GroupName,
convert(varchar(50), [Description]) GroupDescription
from openquery(ADSI,
'select Name, Description
from ''LDAP://OU=VizAbility Groups,DC=vizability,DC=intellinet,DC=com''
where objectClass = ''Group''')
( employeeId varchar(10) NULL,
SAMAccountName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
email varchar(255) NULL)
/**//* AD is limited to send 1000 records in one batch. In an ADO interface you can define this batch size, not in OPENQUERY.
Because of this limitation, we just loop through the alphabet.
DECLARE @cmdstr varchar(255)
DECLARE @nAsciiValue smallint
DECLARE @sChar char(1)
SELECT @nAsciiValue = 65
WHILE @nAsciiValue < 91
SELECT @sChar= CHAR(@nAsciiValue)
EXEC master..xp_sprintf @cmdstr OUTPUT, 'SELECT employeeId, SAMAccountName, Mail FROM OPENQUERY( ADSI, ''SELECT Mail, SAMAccountName, employeeID FROM ''''LDAP://dc=central,dc=mydomain,dc=int''''WHERE objectCategory = ''''Person'''' AND SAMAccountName = ''''%s*'''''' )', @sChar
INSERT #tmpADUsers
EXEC( @cmdstr )
SELECT @nAsciiValue = @nAsciiValue + 1
我推荐的方法:在微软搜索到的.如何通过 NTDSUtil为服务器修改限制 maxPageSize
1. |
Click Start, and then click Run. |
2. |
In the Open text box, type ntdsutil, and then press ENTER. To view help at any time, type ? at the command prompt. |
Modifying policy settings
1. |
At the Ntdsutil.exe command prompt, type LDAP policies, and then press ENTER. |
2. |
At the LDAP policy command prompt, type Set setting to variable, and then press ENTER. For example, type Set MaxPoolThreads to 8.This setting changes if you add another processor to your server. |
3. |
You can use the Show Values command to verify your changes.To save the changes, use Commit Changes. |
4. |
When you finish, type q, and then press ENTER. |
5. |
To quit Ntdsutil.exe, at the command prompt, type q, and then press ENTER. |
http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Bzh-cn%3B299410&x=16&y=10如何使用SQL查询活动目录对象语法: http://www.microsoft.com/china/technet/community/columns/scripts/sg0505.mspx#EMBAC
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