
2022-11-12 09:24:23
这篇文章主要为大家详细介绍了MySQL删除重复记录语句的方法,具有一定的参考价值,可以用来参考一下。 对此感兴趣的朋友,看看idc笔记做的技术笔记!例如:id name value1 a pp2 a p



例如:id name value1 a pp2 a pp3 b iii4 b pp5 b pp6 c pp7 c pp8 c iiiid是主键要求得到这样的结果id name value1 a pp3 b iii4 b pp6 c pp8 c iii方法1delete YourTablewhere [id] not in (select max([id]) from YourTablegroup by (name + value))方法2delete afrom 表 a left join(select (id) from 表 group by name,value)b on is null查询及删除重复记录的SQL语句查询及删除重复记录的SQL语句1、查找表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(peopleId)来判断select * from peoplewhere peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId) > 1)2、删除表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(peopleId)来判断,只留有rowid最小的记录delete from peoplewhere peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId) > 1)and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId )>1)3、查找表中多余的重复记录(多个字段)select * from vitae awhere (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1)4、删除表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),只留有rowid最小的记录delete from vitae awhere (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1)and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*)>1)5、查找表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),不包含rowid最小的记录select * from vitae awhere (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1)and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*)>1)(二)比方说在A表中存在一个字段“name”,而且不同记录之间的“name”值有可能会相同,现在就是需要查询出在该表中的各记录之间,“name”值存在重复的项;Select Name,Count(*) From A Group By Name Having Count(*) > 1如果还查性别也相同大则如下:Select Name,sex,Count(*) From A Group By Name,sex Having Count(*) > 1(三)方法一declare @max integer,@id integerdeclare cur_rows cursor local for select 主字段,count(*) from 表名 group by 主字段 having count(*) >; 1open cur_rowsfetch cur_rows into @id,@maxwhile @@fetch_status=0beginselect @max = @max -1set rowcount @maxdelete from 表名 where 主字段 = @idfetch cur_rows into @id,@maxendclose cur_rowsset rowcount 0 方法二"重复记录"有两个意义上的重复记录,一是完全重复的记录,也即所有字段均重复的记录,二是部分关键字段重复的记录,比如Name字段重复,而其他字段不一定重复或都重复可以忽略。  1、对于第一种重复,比较容易解决,使用select distinct * from tableName  就可以得到无重复记录的结果集。  如果该表需要删除重复的记录(重复记录保留1条),可以按以下方法删除select distinct * into #Tmp from tableNamedrop table tableNameselect * into tableName from #Tmpdrop table #Tmp  发生这种重复的原因是表设计不周产生的,增加唯一索引列即可解决。  2、这类重复问题通常要求保留重复记录中的第一条记录,操作方法如下  假设有重复的字段为Name,Address,要求得到这两个字段唯一的结果集select identity(int,1,1) as autoID, * into #Tmp from tableNameselect min(autoID) as autoID into #Tmp2 from #Tmp group by Name,autoIDselect * from #Tmp where autoID in(select autoID from #tmp2)  最后一个select即得到了Name,Address不重复的结果集(但多了一个autoID字段,实际写时可以写在select子句中省去此列)(四)查询重复select * from tablename where id in (select id from tablenamegroup by idhaving count(id) > 1)学习sql有一段时间了,发现在我建了一个用来测试的表(没有建索引)中出现了许多的重复记录。后来总结了一些删除重复记录的方法,在Oracle中,可以通过唯一rowid实现删除重复记录;还可以建临时表来实现...这个只提到其中的几种简单实用的方法,希望可以和大家分享(以表employee为例)。SQL> desc employeeName Null? Type----------------------------------------- -------- ------------------emp_id NUMBER(10)emp_name VARCHAR2(20)salary NUMBER(10,2)可以通过下面的语句查询重复的记录:SQL> select * from employee;EMP_ID EMP_NAME SALARY---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------1 sunshine 100001 sunshine 100002 semon 200002 semon 200003 xyz 300002 semon 20000SQL> select distinct * from employee;EMP_ID EMP_NAME SALARY---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------1 sunshine 100002 semon 200003 xyz 30000SQL> select * from employee group by emp_id,emp_name,salary having count (*)>1EMP_ID EMP_NAME SALARY---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------1 sunshine 100002 semon 20000SQL> select * from employee e1where rowid in (select max(rowid) from employe e2where e1.emp_id=e2.emp_id ande1.emp_name=e2.emp_name and e1.salary=e2.salary);EMP_ID EMP_NAME SALARY---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------1 sunshine 100003 xyz 300002 semon 200002. 删除的几种方法:(1)通过建立临时表来实现SQL>create table temp_emp as (select distinct * from employee)SQL> truncate table employee; (清空employee表的数据)SQL> insert into employee select * from temp_emp; (再将临时表里的内容插回来)( 2)通过唯一rowid实现删除重复记录.在Oracle中,每一条记录都有一个rowid,rowid在整个数据库中是唯一的,rowid确定了每条记录是在Oracle中的哪一个数据文件、块、行上。在重复的记录中,可能所有列的内容都相同,但rowid不会相同,所以只要确定出重复记录中那些具有最大或最小rowid的就可以了,其余全部删除。SQL>delete from employee e2 where rowid not in (select max(e1.rowid) from employee e1 wheree1.emp_id=e2.emp_id and e1.emp_name=e2.emp_name and e1.salary=e2.salary);--这里用min(rowid)也可以。SQL>delete from employee e2 where rowid <(select max(e1.rowid) from employee e1 wheree1.emp_id=e2.emp_id and e1.emp_name=e2.emp_name ande1.salary=e2.salary);(3)也是通过rowid,但效率更高。SQL>delete from employee where rowid not in (select max(t1.rowid) from employee t1 group byt1.emp_id,t1.emp_name,t1.salary);--这里用min(rowid)也可以。EMP_ID EMP_NAME SALARY---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------1 sunshine 100003 xyz 300002 semon 20000SQL> desc employeeName Null? Type----------------------------------------- -------- ------------------emp_id NUMBER(10)emp_name VARCHAR2(20)salary NUMBER(10,2)可以通过下面的语句查询重复的记录:SQL> select * from employee;EMP_ID EMP_NAME SALARY---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------1 sunshine 100001 sunshine 100002 semon 200002 semon 200003 xyz 300002 semon 20000SQL> select distinct * from employee;EMP_ID EMP_NAME SALARY---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------1 sunshine 100002 semon 200003 xyz 30000SQL> select * from employee group by emp_id,emp_name,salary having count (*)>1EMP_ID EMP_NAME SALARY---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------1 sunshine 100002 semon 20000SQL> select * from employee e1where rowid in (select max(rowid) from employe e2where e1.emp_id=e2.emp_id ande1.emp_name=e2.emp_name and e1.salary=e2.salary);EMP_ID EMP_NAME SALARY---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------1 sunshine 100003 xyz 300002 semon 200002. 删除的几种方法:(1)通过建立临时表来实现SQL>create table temp_emp as (select distinct * from employee)SQL> truncate table employee; (清空employee表的数据)SQL> insert into employee select * from temp_emp; (再将临时表里的内容插回来)( 2)通过唯一rowid实现删除重复记录.在Oracle中,每一条记录都有一个rowid,rowid在整个数据库中是唯一的,rowid确定了每条记录是在Oracle中的哪一个数据文件、块、行上。在重复的记录中,可能所有列的内容都相同,但rowid不会相同,所以只要确定出重复记录中那些具有最大或最小rowid的就可以了,其余全部删除。SQL>delete from employee e2 where rowid not in (select max(e1.rowid) from employee e1 wheree1.emp_id=e2.emp_id and e1.emp_name=e2.emp_name and e1.salary=e2.salary);--这里用min(rowid)也可以。SQL>delete from employee e2 where rowid <(select max(e1.rowid) from employee e1 wheree1.emp_id=e2.emp_id and e1.emp_name=e2.emp_name ande1.salary=e2.salary);(3)也是通过rowid,但效率更高。SQL>delete from employee where rowid not in (select max(t1.rowid) from employee t1 group byt1.emp_id,t1.emp_name,t1.salary);--这里用min(rowid)也可以。EMP_ID EMP_NAME SALARY---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------1 sunshine 100003 xyz 300002 semon 20000




